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Marketing Monday:The Best Social Media Metrics to Focus on in your Campaigns

Published Lynne on Monday, June 19, 2023 11:00 AM

Marketing Monday:The Best Social Media Metrics to Focus on in your Campaigns

Taking a deep dive into your social media metrics can help you gather valuable insight into how successful your marketing efforts are. Let’s focus on 3 top social media platforms and which key metrics you should be tracking to make your education marketing efforts more worthwhile.



This measures how many times users click, share, comment on or react to a post, and can help you gauge how popular your content is.

Reach and Impressions

Even if a business has many Facebook followers, this doesn’t necessarily mean its posts are visible to them. Reach is the number of people who’ve seen your post, whereas impressions are the number of times it’s been seen. You can find out your average by dividing impressions by reach, which is helpful when deciding on an ad recall or brand uplift.

Page Likes and Followers

Facebook likes are people who are fans of your page, while followers have indicated that they want to see your posts. Keeping track of your audience size ensures you’re not losing more fans than you are gaining.


Impressions and Reach

These metrics are much the same as above, but keep in mind that good hashtag use can improve your impressions on Instagram.

Content Interactions

Similar to Facebook engagement, this counts the likes, comments, shares, saves, and replies on your posts.


This feature suggests new content from accounts that users are not currently following, based on their preferences. Through Instagram’s insights you can discover how many users like this have seen your posts. 

Accounts Reached and Engaged

These show audience engagement, including useful demographics like top countries, cities, age ranges and gender. 


Visitors and followers

These metrics are useful for noticing which of your content is getting engagement. Visitors can be filtered by job function, seniority, company size, and industry, and you can see the demographics of your followers. 

Impressions and Engagement

Impressions show how many times your content is seen. Engagement rate is calculated by adding the number of interactions, clicks, and new followers divided by the number of impressions.


This feature helps you gain insight into your competitors’ followers and the type of content that works for them.


Written by Stephanie Clark

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